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How To Convert PDF to Word online?
Step 1 Click the 'Choose or drop files here' button, select the PDF document you wish to convert, or drop your pdf file to the box.
Step 2 Wait a moment!
Step 3 Click the 'download' button to save the converted file.
FAQs about pdf to word
Q1: Is the pdf to word conversion process secure, and are my files kept private?
Yes, your converted will be secure. After the conversion the server deletes the converted temporary files.
Q2: How to convert pdf to word on mac?
Ipdf converters support multiple platforms to help turn your PDFs into Word documents. You can convert it on the browser, as long as you have internet access.
Q3: What languages are supported by your PDF to Word converter?
Support for most of the world's languages.
Q4: Can password-protected PDFs be converted to Word documents using your tool?
Yes, but the conversion process will ask for the correct password.
Q5: Are there any limitations on the number of conversions I can convert pdf to word in a day?
No. You can use it for unlimited times.
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