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How To Convert PPT to PDF online?
Step 1 Click the 'Choose or drop files here' button, select the PPT document you wish to convert, or drop your PPT file to the box.
Step 2 Wait a moment!
Step 3 Click the 'download' button to save the converted file.
FAQs about ppt to pdf
Q1: What is the best ppt to pdf converter for me?
There are two types of ppt to pdf converters to choose from: online and offline. The online ppt to pdf converter does not require the installation of task software, as long as you have Internet access. But the offline one needs to download and install the software in order to work.
Q2: How to convert ppt to pdf or merge ppt to pdf on mac?
It is a online ppt to pdf converter. You don't need to install the task software, and convert multi-page PPT to pdf on mac, just use the browser that comes with your system.
Q3: Can it convert ppt and pptx?
Yes. It support for ppt and pptx formats.
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